Monday, November 21, 2011

'Let them a journey new begin'


This blog has the sole purpose of being a behind the scenes companion piece to my fanfiction stories:  Carving Tomorrow from a Tombstone and To Spoil the Sun.  It will give insight on the chapters, overall themes, and what my vision was for certain aspects of each story.  Both of the stories can be found on Fanfiction and To Spoil the Sun can be found on Henneth-Annun and Lotrfanfiction.  My deviantart account does not have the most recent chapters as it is the last to be updated.  My deviantart account is the only account I have under a different name:  Miss-Shigures-Wife.  (I know, childish.) 

I now have a twitter account solely for the purpose of my writings.  Please follow me as I will tell about release dates and might possibly ask you questions in hopes you could help me with my writings.

That is all. 

