To Spoil the Sun - Prologue: Unwrapped

Buenas noches, clase!

Today we will be looking at the really dumb and almost completely irrelevant prologue that To Spoil the Sun has!!  yay!  so uninteresting....

So first thing's first: Setting  It takes place in 2045.  During WW3.  Now obviously there has not been a WW3 yet except for in movies, video games, and people's minds.  In my WW3 setting, the world has been almost completely destroyed by atomic bombs and the safest place in the world is in the middle of the freaking ocean.  And it's a hospital.  Lame story, I know.

Important Characters:

We first meet a Kiara McBride.  First thing to look at here is the name.  (I love names and their meanings because I'm a nerd so I pick certain names for a reason.)  Kiara comes from Ciara, which is the feminine form of Ciar.  Ciar is literally Irish for black.
~ Now one of the main reasons I picked this name is because I love Lion King and Lion King 2 and Simba's daughter is named Kiara.  She also has black hair.  McBride is just plain cool.

A couple of things to note about Kiara is that:
1. She is a doctor (in lots of ways).  Doctors in the past have also been named healers.  Associated with healer is the concept of magic, which can be connected with the fact Kiara become Alatar, one of the two Blue Wizards, and an Istari.  As an Istari, she can, of course, perform magic.
2. She is barren.  "...she held the lives of children more hallowed than anything."  This is her drive to pick of the Legendarium, and basically allows the story to start.  Because she has "suffered" and helped many strangers as a doctor,  Eru Ilúvatar grants her fertility and she is able to concieve her child, seen in Ch. 1.

Joy Kleisinger - this is one of my friends and she wants to be a doctor.  Joy becomes Pallando, who is the other Blue Wizard, and is also an Istari.   Pallando also gives birth to a son, who is a friend of Alatar's child.

Final things:

Other than this chapter being completely boring, almost irrelevant, and cliche, it's okay.  I don't like it and you don't particularly have to read it.

Thanks for watching,