The one on the top is creditted to ~hiswarrior child on deviantart is what her hair is supposed to be like and the one on the bottom is the closest thing I could get to what I felt like her short hair would be like. Alex Kingston in this picture only, if she had red hair, would be the perfect Landyr. I love her hair.
Carth Onasi (alias: Corren Jast)
As painful as it is for me to say, I think Tom Cruise looks very much like Carth to me (in this picture). D:
Dacob Chaar (alias: Dac Chaar)
Because I gave no description what so ever, I went off what I think he looked like based on his personality. Jensen Ackles is pretty good for him.
Canderous Ordo (Mandalore)
I have always thought that Viggo Mortensen had that rugged handsomeness that is comparable to Canderous'. I think he has only gotten hotter as he's aged.
Bastila Shan
I had a really hard time picking Bastila as I couldn't find anyone who looked young enough, yet responsible for the galaxy. Miranda Kerr in this picture only is the best I could do.
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